


Family Health Maintenance

Hygiene/Bath Essentials

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Fourteen Most Important Foods to Eat Organic

Words to Live By

Free Speech, A Mom's Forum

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Breakfast for Champions

Lunch Box Ideas

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A Treasure Trove of Wonders
Wandering Our Way . . .

Occasionally, we run into products that really tickle our fancy. When we do, we shall put them in our
"Treasure Trove".
Quantities are limited, so if you like something, add it to your own cherished treasures before ours run out!
Energy Medallion
Energetic Medallions

Pau-Pau Shell. Crystals encased in silver.
Deflect body-weakening EMF's which daily bombard us --
aka computers, cell-phones, microwave ovens, microwave towers, computers, and negativity.

Wear medallion when surfing the net, at the workstation, communicating on cell-phones, or when in traffic jams.

Protect your energy and raise your frequency.
Necklace comes on 20 " soft velvet cord.
Price: $125.00
Colors will vary, as will waves in the shell.
Organic T-Shirt
Organic Indigo Blue Cotton T-Shirt
For Men or Women
An attractive, feel-good shirt.
Guaranteed to be one of your favorites!
Available only in Large.
(Shirt is slightly darker than photo).
Price: $15.00.

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